Christmas Apart #2

6 thoughts on “Christmas Apart #2

  1. Michael Steamweed

    During all of the “sleeping apart” nights of my longest relationship, it was difficult. Both in falling asleep and staying asleep.

  2. I was expecting the realization to have some kind of positive reassurance conclusion rather than making Bev go “Oh God no.”

  3. I just want to know how the Nortverse got classic American suburban housing AND an efficient high speed rail system in the same country.

    Also, yeah, I hope they’ve been banking their Doordash credits, because after these three days they aren’t gonna be leaving the bedroom until after New Years.

  4. Beverly looks great in that outfit

  5. Good job, Tara, you broke Beverly.

  6. Can confirm. Had a job that required me to work away from home for weeks on end.

    Partner was… unenthusiastic to say the least.

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