Halloween Special #4

9 thoughts on “Halloween Special #4

  1. I love that the witch lady’s boobs get bigger every time XD

  2. Damn, knocked her tits right out!
    And Tara making the same face for 3 panels. Perfection.

  3. Wow, that was a double knocker out….

  4. The breasts actually did pop out. That may be the most realistic webcomic moment I have ever seen!

  5. Tara you useless lesbian

  6. jesus tiddies

  7. And the twist is that the witch was just a very intense cosplayer?

  8. I get that the circumstances would freak out anyone. Buuuut…that seems like assault and battery with slightly too much of a hair trigger.

  9. Panel 3 is pure comic art. It should be in a museum of webcomics somewhere.

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