Sunshine Valentine #5

10 thoughts on “Sunshine Valentine #5

  1. What are these trash goblins going to do to those poor couples?

  2. Well, they are acoupke. Not a sexual one but in a committed relationship nonetheless

    1. Yeah, they may not like labels but their relationship is definitely somewhere in the part of the spectrum that most people would consider a couple. I would call it something like a queerplatonic relationship, myself, but if they don’t want a label then they don’t want a label.

  3. Ooh are they going to enter a couple contest and not only win but do not hafts cheat hence showing to each other they are a perfect couple!?!?

  4. Titania Bird Keil

    We’re in for the apotheosis of Noah/Sarah chaos, no doubt.

    1. Or they completely gel as a couple (in every way but sexually), and become the *antithesis* of chaos. Which drives them absolutely nuts.

  5. I love these two in their casual form of chaos

  6. Wait, why does Noah care if Sarah wears a shirt to bed or not?

  7. I’m calling it now: When Noah and Sarah get drunk together, they go through a Jekyll and Hyde transformation where their personalities change into a loving couple, with Noah becoming demisexual for the duration.

  8. Witch of many Jobs

    Ooooh, I smell shenanigans are afoot!

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