The Shrieking Mires #7

12 thoughts on “The Shrieking Mires #7

  1. Sarah’s gone full Unga Bunga

    1. She’s entered her SpongeGarah Rage

  2. Steven doesn’t need your puny trinket

  3. Gamebreaking Steven to the rescue!

  4. Boy, that could quickly degenerate into a crisis if Tara make enemies of the creatures living here. Hope she does not kill anyone.

  5. Witch of Many Jobs

    Steven is more powerful, or chaotic random, than your forest magic can contain.

  6. So when did Bev touch the star?

    1. The NPC did say that no one should be able to resist it “in theory.”
      It’s entirely possible that Bev hasn’t touched the star, and that something else is protecting her from it.

      1. Hey, natural twenty saving throw plus buffs.

  7. Dear Nortuet.
    I don’t like Sarah.
    Please stop making me like Sarah.

  8. She fights thru by the power of borf!

  9. Steven is the bork between realms, one puny enchantment won’t stop him!

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