The Shrieking Mires #9

19 thoughts on “The Shrieking Mires #9

  1. Tara might need to check constitution, to avoid coughing on that green fog and then vomiting, heh.
    Another natural 1 incoming ?

  2. More like the “Shreking” Mires, apparently.


  4. Fuck we got memes now

  5. Started laughing out loud at the final panel

  6. Does the GM have the “All Star” music ready to roll with the click of a button?

  7. Witch of Many Jobs

    Gods damnit, Nort.

  8. Some-BODY…

  9. It’s uh


  10. Well…she’s green? That gives her better odds on her reaction checks, probably

  11. Well this is old enough now to just be part of the culture, like Shakespeare, and Peanuts.

    1. Quiet, 2001 was only five years ago.

  12. SOME….

  13. Some BODY once told me the world was gonna… Roll me.
    … GOD DAMN IT!

  14. Michael Steamweed

    Here’s where the D&D group starts throwing convenient items at Noah.

  15. Bit meta, but those moon cutouts were very important to people. So smooth and even. While the rest of the construction is rougher :}

    1. I do hope the seat is also smooth… and splinter free

  16. Layers upon layers! Terrifying!


  17. Oh, all seeing star, hah 😀

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