I mean… that’s “Smash Mouth – All Star”, is it not?
“Somebody once told me
The world is gonna roll me
I ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed
She was looking kind of dumb
With her finger and her thumb
In the shape of an “L” on her forehead”
Mystery Men? o.O I don’t remember All Star being in Mystery Men. But it was definitely in Shrek, and this storyline has had a ton of direct references to Shrek, including… Shrek himself as the Orc leader.
Wait, wait, wait. Don’t let yourself be distracted by the backstory part…
I can understand that Sarah and Noah characters made up the prophecy to lure the group in the quest. But Noah wanted the stones and, more important, there’s a princess asleep in top of a big and magical tower. There have to have a prophecy!
I’m sure that it’s written in some manual, “if there’s a big and magical tower, with a princess asleep at its top, therefore there is a prophecy about that princess asleep in top of that big and magical tower”.
From experience, it’s fun for about sixty seconds. After that, it gets irritating for basically everyone.
“Hey, why did you stab the shopkeeper?”
“He looked at me funny / gave me the wrong change / I didn’t like his moustache.”
Not fun.
Okay, question: So if Sarah’s character is a lady and a noblewoman of sorts, then how did she become a Barbarian in the first place? That is one of THE most unBarbarianlike backgrounds around!
27 thoughts on “Tower of Tricks #11”
Well as long as she knows what she’s doing
Titania Bird Keil
Y’know, some folks have been shocked by this betrayal.
*I* am more shocked that her backstory is a song from the “Mystery Men” soundtrack.
I mean… that’s “Smash Mouth – All Star”, is it not?
“Somebody once told me
The world is gonna roll me
I ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed
She was looking kind of dumb
With her finger and her thumb
In the shape of an “L” on her forehead”
*Insert Dean Ambrose Yep GIF here*
Titania Bird Keil
Yep, it is.
And I will forever make it my mission in life to remind people that it predates “Shrek”.
Kamino Neko
More relevantly to the other references earlier in the arc, the Shrek soundtrack.
Titania Bird Keil
It is my mission in life to remind people that the song transcends “Shrek”.
I think you mean Shrek transcends the song.
Mystery Men? o.O I don’t remember All Star being in Mystery Men. But it was definitely in Shrek, and this storyline has had a ton of direct references to Shrek, including… Shrek himself as the Orc leader.
Rina'Vae vas Saela
Was playing during the end credits
The music video for All Star involves the cast of Mystery Men in their costumes!
The official music video for All Star featured clips from Mystery Men. Check it out on Youtube.
a reader among thousands
Wait, wait, wait. Don’t let yourself be distracted by the backstory part…
I can understand that Sarah and Noah characters made up the prophecy to lure the group in the quest. But Noah wanted the stones and, more important, there’s a princess asleep in top of a big and magical tower. There have to have a prophecy!
I’m sure that it’s written in some manual, “if there’s a big and magical tower, with a princess asleep at its top, therefore there is a prophecy about that princess asleep in top of that big and magical tower”.
You know, she’s lookin kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead
Well, the years start coming
And they don’t stop coming,
Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running…..
ARRRGH!!! Stop putting catchy songs back in my head! D:
I need to make a character with supremely petty reasons for doing stuff. Sounds fun.
From experience, it’s fun for about sixty seconds. After that, it gets irritating for basically everyone.
“Hey, why did you stab the shopkeeper?”
“He looked at me funny / gave me the wrong change / I didn’t like his moustache.”
Not fun.
Danny B
“What prophecy?”
Indeed. The party member who betrayed you probably isn’t the most reliable source of information.
gonna be honest, i’m with Sarah on this one. Friggin Bullies…
Who know?
Sometimes princess in peril on a top of a tower is not asleep and has an axe
Witch of many Jobs
*facepalms* Gods damnit, Nort.
Now, the question is weather Sara and Noah planned this from the start, or was this a last minute adjustment
Another Shrek reference, huh?
“Oh, I know it’s petty and disproportionate, but I’m ok with that.” BASED
As motivations for bad in-character behaviour go, I’ve heard worse…
I love these comics they’ve inspired me to draw
Okay, question: So if Sarah’s character is a lady and a noblewoman of sorts, then how did she become a Barbarian in the first place? That is one of THE most unBarbarianlike backgrounds around!