Sunshine Valentine #2

19 thoughts on “Sunshine Valentine #2

  1. I’d buy that book

  2. Is that a fucking Harambe book? In the year of our lord 2025?

  3. My two cents:
    Wish her sexiness would attract him to her, regardless how f the circumstances.

    1. Titania Bird Keil

      He’s ace. Ace people exist. They don’t need or desire sex.
      Noah’s fine. Grow up.

      1. THANK YOU, from an ACE

    2. Your two cents have tanked in value

  4. Really? 😏

  5. I feel like there’s a really good fourth wall joke about watching but I’m not funny enough to come up with it. I know it’s there though

    1. i’m just really happy this wall is see through

  6. “Becoming A Savior: An Autobiography By Harambe” is a fascinating book title. Is the nortverse the good timeline where Harambe lived?

  7. Shame that there is a mov or gif showing the chase around the pool.

  8. Sorry. Should have read “there isn’t “

  9. Sarah needs attention.

  10. Can someone ban FanaF from this page now…?

  11. Titania Bird Keil

    Wouldn’t be surprised if this leads to some kind of a revelation between the two.
    Which, I mean…asexual romance between the two? Hell yeah.

  12. They’re too damn cute together

  13. I just love there dynamic. Just joking around and playfully pushing each other’s buttons. Peak relationship, whatever kind it is

  14. I hope this does not lead to an “I am into sex now” from one of the only ACE characters that I know of

  15. These two are just so adorable for a platonic couple.

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