Screamlined Methods #3

15 thoughts on “Screamlined Methods #3

  1. Will this be a spin-off of the English Vampire flick, Life Force?

  2. It’s like the the “demon ladies” really know how these two think! Mind you most people would go for this if there’s a good reward scheme, hahahaha

  3. O’ve got the feeling the witch was right… I mean the succubus shows up like the Amazon guy and brings you a sex Alexa?
    Somehow the whole “trap them in an endless sex dungeon” thing sounds more romantic ^^

    1. “Asexa” was right there, just waiting for you to use it 😛

  4. Michael Steamweed

    Brilliant! It’s a non-moving roomba vacuum cleaner for excess “fun time” energy. The more energy you produce, the more it collects!
    (i hope it’s got a good warranty…bev and tara gonna put it through its paces)

  5. loyalty points ? lol
    I wonder what’s in the rewards catalogue.

  6. I do not foresee a good end if that thing is turned on. It could range from “horny but unable to orgasm” to “Continual blind rutt.”

    1. I’m betting on “drains more than advertised, ends up leaving them apathetic to sex.”

  7. I like the “Fun Time Plus” logos on the delivery succubus. At first the unit looked like a old Bose clock radio. Last panel makes it look like a mini tower PC. Looking forward to seeing what is does assuming Steven doesn’t bite the power cord in two.

  8. Your work is always great, but this is truly excellent.

  9. Stephen, you’re on thin ice here…this *sounds* like a much better alternative, but it has many…Torment Nexus-esque potential outcomes. You MIGHT have made things catastrophically worse…

    1. Who’s Stephen?

      1. I believe they’re referring to the incarnation of BORF, just with a ph instead of a v.

  10. So it’ll passively collect energy when they have sex, and they can get points that can be traded in from rewards, huh?

    What’s the catch. Is it just going to constantly drain energy from them even when they’re not having sex, is it going to decrease their libido, make them more tired… This is one of those ‘too good to be true’ things.

  11. As others have said, this is too good to be true. What’s the catch? Where’s the other shoe?
    There are so many ways for it to go wrong, so which will turn out to be the one that happens

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