Sunshine Valentine #9

8 thoughts on “Sunshine Valentine #9

  1. “Is it the Germans?” At least we know which side of the war Sarah’s ancestor fought for.

    1. We already saw which side though

      1. Yeah, maybe it was just her regressing to a former life.

  2. Yep, you wake me in the middle of the night, bedtime expectations are reset, friendo.

  3. He might, just might, crack the armor enough to be comfortable being genuine and having emotions

  4. I know they’re trash gremlins but I love these two and, while it’s unconventional, they clearly love each other in their own way.

  5. Huh, so Sarah is serious about their quasi-relationship thing?
    … I guess she is an odd one so it’s not THAT surprising.

  6. Well, that nocturnal sojourn was productive for us reading.

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