Sunshine Valentine #8

22 thoughts on “Sunshine Valentine #8

  1. They just have such a comfortable vibe. I really love these two gremlins

  2. I could see these two in a loving plotanic relationship.

    1. Could? What do you think we’ve been reading for the past X weeks?

    2. They are. Or more specifically, it’s a queerplatonic relationship.
      There was this moment on twitter (that I can’t find as I don’t have an account any more) where Nortuet said something along the lines of “I started writing their dynamic thinking there will be some people who can relate, and now I find that there is a whole wikipedia article about exactly what’s going on” after someone commented the link:

  3. Sex or not, everyone would be better off if they had a relationship like Noah and Sarah.

  4. I love how mundanely cute these two are. With others, they’re the chaos gremlins of the story, but when it’s just them, they’re just loving life together. They’re so cute! <3

  5. Grabbing the coat without asking is a nice touch

  6. I really appreciate their relationship as someone aro myself, it’s hard to find good content of individuals sitting in that area of platonic friendship without it functioning as some narrative tease of a traditional romance to be broken into.

  7. I love that Sarah still has the shark teeth even when she’s being sweet. Such a nice touch

  8. All I ask is a kiss in the forehead

  9. They are the best, I love them so much.

  10. Here’s to queerplatonic love.

  11. Maybe im reading into this but I swear to god there better not be a speeding car on the next pannel. “We are NOT getting old” wile on a wide shot of a public road cmon that forshadowing is too good to be true right? RIGHT?

  12. since Noah is stated to be asexual but not aromantic I really do wonder whether this will turn into a romantic relationship (+ marriage?) after all or if it’ll stay purely platonic like this

  13. Love these two’s relationship so much ❤

  14. inb4 fanaf ruins the whole comment section

  15. First of all, …what is second ?!?!?!?!
    I really love this webcomic. Thank you for doing it ! Such a good mix of sexy time, story, fantasy, and day to day life. This comic and Alfie are my favourites !

  16. Witch of many Jobs

    It is probably just a joke but again, this is the good timeline. Chances are those goofs really are going to be immortal.

  17. My desktop shortcut to this webcomic is “Noah and Sarah’s Night Out #5”. It’s good to see they’ve made maybe a little character growth since then 😂

  18. So she literally wanted to wear.Basically nothing on the beach.But once they leave , she actually puts something on the cover , herself up

  19. So is Noah aromantic and asexual or just asexual?

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