The Wedding #14

19 thoughts on “The Wedding #14

  1. Wow, this bright sun out here really makes the eyes water, doesn’t it?
    *dabs tissue & offers box*

    1. The catering really went strong on the onions, over here

    2. I was exactly like Tara at the fourth panel reading that

  2. So much dust in here… *sniff*

  3. excellent this is what we are here for a supremely good mixture of comedy serious and porn it is awesome definitely my favorite comic

  4. Man, the onion cutters are working overtime today

  5. Lovely day for rain.

  6. so, what comes next?
    Dramatic “I Object!” Scene? They kiss and the Inn explodes in the background? Steven throws the Rings into a Volcano?

    1. I think they’ve gone through enough to deserve the rest of the wedding being relateively uneventful and peaceful.

  7. Witch of many Jobs

    Literal waterworks.

  8. I love the eyeliner, it is a really nice but subtle “yes this is important” point, and it goes very nicely here

  9. Who’s cutting onions around me all the sudden!

  10. What was the background music from the previous strip? (It’s the kind of thing I know juuust enough about sheet music that I should’ve figured it out, but…)

  11. It looks like it’s beginning to rain

  12. Absolutely lovely!

  13. Dust! Dust, I tell you.

  14. I’m not crying, YOU’RE CRYING!

  15. Well now you’ve got me crying

  16. “Relationships were never my strong suit” says a woman who never fights with her partner ever…

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