A Memorable Party #3

18 thoughts on “A Memorable Party #3

  1. Yeahhhhh, Noah is getting out the shepherd’s crook – hopefully it’ll be temporary as the DM and his players all adapt to each others’ play-styles.

  2. Is that the succubus neighbour??? Hope noah got her in to spicw things up a bit ….hahaha

  3. D’oh such bad typing….. spicw = spice

  4. So how long until they kill their new guide?

  5. Witch of many jobs

    I have always wondered how people with masks like those see anything.

    1. i think a lot of the time, the people that use them have weird magic senses, so that they don’t need eyes to see.

    2. Depending on how thick and densely woven it is, it’s probably possible to see through it well enough to get around when it’s right up against your face like that, while still obscuring your face from anyone else. I used to pull shirts up or toques down over my eyes a lot as a kid and could still mostly see through the thin or stretched-out fabric.

  6. Yeah, sometimes players do need a little nudge. Of course they are this kind of group

  7. Oh dear. A professional. This will either end well, or horribly.

  8. Alice seem to be embarrassed that she jumped in Colin’s rams?

    1. Should read, “Alice seems to be embarrassed that she jumped into Colin’s arms?”. 🙂

  9. I’m glad they didn’t drop Colin and Alice as friends just because they don’t align sexually. Not everyone is into the exacts same stuff.

  10. Michael Steamweed

    Aww, the gith and human are starting to crush on each other. 😀

  11. Sarah’s startle reaction is a blank look…

  12. SarekoftheEdmundFitzgerald

    Alice definitely looks… (puts on sunglasses)…SHEEPISH


  13. What in the Nine Spheres of Phyrexia is that NPC wearing?

  14. Send in the DMPC!

  15. Yooo, the Gear Adrift cameo!

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