Couples Vacation #3

16 thoughts on “Couples Vacation #3

  1. Tara and I would be reacting to the heat in the exact same way.

  2. Gregina Bogosian.

    What are Beverly and Dan doing to cope with the heat? They could just share their methods with their partners. There is no need for deception or intrigue here.

    1. Some people just do heat better than others. There’s no secret or technique to it, outside of spending weeks or months in a given climate acclimating to it.

      1. “some people” aka, non-redheads 😉

      2. You have a point; if this is the family ‘vacation home’, they’re more used to being in this climate like for a few weeks every other year or so.
        (Also, a lower body fat % makes thermal transfer easier; my swimmer friends always have far more trouble with cold weather than hot.)

        1. i live in south of france, i can go to 35/37°C easy before it become “hot” ^^ but you’ll never get me under 10° :’)

      3. Then there people like me who can’t acclimate. I’ve lived in the same place for almost my whole life and I still hate the summers here.

    2. Probably they’re just more tolerant of it. It could also be sheer willpower. Some people can ignore discomfort more easily than others. For example, I have a super high pain tolerance, which to someone looking from the outside would like some special technique, but is really just be ignoring the pain.

  3. This is so relatable lol, I live in a tropical place and at this time of the year, i swear all my uni friends are just cooking alive

  4. She really did the *flop*

  5. Anyways, the best thing I’d recommend for these circumstances is a day trip out on a boat – sailing, fishing, diving, water skiing, whatever. You get more wind when you get away from land, so a sea breeze might help…even if people might risk getting windburned.

  6. Lol Penny in the last panel rofl.

  7. Or is that tara? I can’t tell…

    1. Probably Penny falling into the pool, even though her hair is red instead of brown Penny’s hair is longer than Tara’s.

  8. I can’t get over the fact that he’s putting a belt over shorts.
    I’m sure it’s fashionable or whatever. But what on earth is he holding up there, that needs a belt?!

  9. so..we ever gonna see Dan naked?

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