Broke Backpacking #10

25 thoughts on “Broke Backpacking #10

  1. Witch of many jobs

    Oooh, so that is what has been gnawing at Beverly. I can understand her not wanting to sour the mood but like he said, it is best to talk it out.

    1. “Talk to your wife” is often good advice.

  2. Michael Steamweed

    Will she open up and share that continuing hurt with her wife? Or will she cover, deflect, and pretend? Stay tuned ’til next time!
    *gets out popcorn

  3. Ooh this is some good stuff.

  4. As someone that lost their mom at 16…yeah, talking with my wife when the yearly Sad about it kicks in is always extremely helpful. A good partner is one you can be vulnerable with. Good parenting from Conrad here.

  5. Steven walks into frame with the ghost of her father who hugs her. Father tells her to talk to her wife. And that their dog is a terrifyingly powerful eldritch being who can pass the gates of life and death. And the bestest boy.

    Tara is standing there like. Why is my wife talking to the air. And how did my dog get out of the cabin?

  6. “Talk to your wife” => Wiser words have yet to be uttered

  7. Ohh thank god its not an illness.

  8. Anyone else loving the juxtaposition of the dad looking at Bev with a raised eyebrow through the 4th Wall?

  9. Considering the lighthearted tone of the comic up until now, I think she will be opening up to Tara instead of hiding her feelings. I know I’m hoping for a happy ending to the arc, but I don’t come here for drama, but instead for easy and entertaining viewing. Steven’s actions towards Beverly might also be an accurate gage of how she is actually feeling.

  10. Nothing is more powerful to a recently-married couple than referring to their partner as their spouse. “Talk to your WIFE” is so powerful

  11. 1) I don’t know how I’ll feel if I lost my parents. 2) Thank god I was wrong.

    1. having lost a parent when i was 17 (and 12 years ago, at that), i can confirm it bring your down sometimes. Doesn’t mean you’re not living a happy and fullfilling life, just sometimes it can come back.
      Not everyone reacts the same way, of course, for some it’s the time of the year, for other it can be when a event you’d have liked them to share (finishing your studies, getting your first job, your wedding) , or for other it will be going somewhere/doing something that your associate with them and haven’t done in a long time triggering a memory.
      I can also confirm that Conrad is right. While you might want to avoid talking about it to not ruin the mood, talking can be a good.

  12. *Worries about personal concern ‘ruining mood’ with spouse*
    “Not talking to your wife is more likely to ruin the mood.”
    *muses about evading discussing personal concern with spouse*
    “Talk to your wife.”
    *dismisses importance of personal concern*
    “Talk. To. Your. Wife.”

  13. As someone who has ruined a trip by not speaking how I was feeling, talk to your wife! It feels worse knowing the solution was so close, if only I’d have opened up.

  14. …Beverly used to go camping with her father. That was their thing.

  15. My mom died 20 years ago this November, Dad 12 years ago. I understand that emotion

  16. Conrad does not get much to say, but he says the right things consistently.

  17. I was just terrified that her Hercules gene was letting something malignant metastisize.

  18. YES!

  19. Flowers and a balloon. They might even reach the human realm (probably doesn’t work that way, but it’s a nice thought, right?)

  20. Remind me, given Conrad doesn’t have a character page – is Conrad Bev’s stepdad, given she opened the call with “Dad”?

    1. According to the Nortverse Wiki, Beverly’s biological parents are Conrad’s sister and her now deceased father.

  21. Beverly: But-
    Conrad: Have you considered… talking to your wife?

  22. Very interesting details you have noted, appreciate it for putting up. “Oh, what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive” by Sir Walter Scott.

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