Siobhan looks older than she did in her first appearance. Time marches on. Tara’s clock is not the only one that is ticking. Adopting a 6 year old skips the toilet training, don’t knock it.
Somehow I knew the baby issue would come up somewhere, and with Noah and Sarah cuddling on the sofa, Tara gets the short stick a.k.a. pesky motherly attention. Also, I resent Siobhan putting down Steven – dogs grow up faster than children and are much easier to train, and they never grow up to reach puberty…
I see Noah & Sarah are still pretending to be lovey-dovey, as if to further edge the shippers despite the “will they won’t they” being confirmed af as “they won’t.”
I mean, it seems to me they have fallen squarely into the territory of queer platonic life partners. So, I think they’re still a valid ship, even if their relationship isn’t necessarily romantic.
This reminded me of a wrestling thing. Basically, Joe Hendry is known for making original songs relating to feuds and even his entrance. One of them was clearing the air about his friend Grado and Grado’s on-screen girlfriend Katarina, and was done during their entrance for a match. It basically was declaring that he only loves Katarina platonically(now you see why I subjected you to this trivia).
The best part about it is after Grado lost a match, Katarina claimed she was in love with Joe, and then Joe, immediately after getting kissed by her, yells in a fed up tone, “What part of PLATONIC LOVE don’t you understand?!”
It was…SO satisfying as a wrestling fan to see a relationship angle go that direction after so many “I left you for this guy, now you’ll both feud with each other for weeks but I’ll still be with him” instances on wrestling TV.
Sorry, but I ship it. It’d be nice if we got some M/F sex between these two. I mean… you haven’t drawn that (guy girl sex), and it’d def be nice… and HOT!
You had kids at 18 or 20 because you had an economy stable enough to maintain that kind of thing. Then you pulled the ladder up behind you and now we can barely afford to live.
30 thoughts on “Christmas Apart #5”
Michael Steamweed
Oh my heart strings! Poor Tara! Going from bad, to worse, to worst!
Good For Thought
This. Is why I always can’t afford family gatherings.
To few spoons left?
if so, I know that feeling.
Inana El Manana
Don’t give me hope
Oh, they FUKKIN’!
Nah, they’re not. They have a very… specific relationship.
Siobhan looks older than she did in her first appearance. Time marches on. Tara’s clock is not the only one that is ticking. Adopting a 6 year old skips the toilet training, don’t knock it.
O.O. Hansen
Somehow I knew the baby issue would come up somewhere, and with Noah and Sarah cuddling on the sofa, Tara gets the short stick a.k.a. pesky motherly attention. Also, I resent Siobhan putting down Steven – dogs grow up faster than children and are much easier to train, and they never grow up to reach puberty…
I see Noah & Sarah are still pretending to be lovey-dovey, as if to further edge the shippers despite the “will they won’t they” being confirmed af as “they won’t.”
I mean, it seems to me they have fallen squarely into the territory of queer platonic life partners. So, I think they’re still a valid ship, even if their relationship isn’t necessarily romantic.
For a “Not a couple” they make a good couple. I know they won’t do the sexy time, but they’re pretty much a pair at this point.
This reminded me of a wrestling thing. Basically, Joe Hendry is known for making original songs relating to feuds and even his entrance. One of them was clearing the air about his friend Grado and Grado’s on-screen girlfriend Katarina, and was done during their entrance for a match. It basically was declaring that he only loves Katarina platonically(now you see why I subjected you to this trivia).
The best part about it is after Grado lost a match, Katarina claimed she was in love with Joe, and then Joe, immediately after getting kissed by her, yells in a fed up tone, “What part of PLATONIC LOVE don’t you understand?!”
It was…SO satisfying as a wrestling fan to see a relationship angle go that direction after so many “I left you for this guy, now you’ll both feud with each other for weeks but I’ll still be with him” instances on wrestling TV.
I hope they find out what the word “queerplatonic” means.
It’s more “as if to further confuse friends and family”, which was their initial plan. We know what they settled on, but the other characters don’t.
Danny B
Tara’s face in the second panel is so relatable.
Also, how does one go about setting an avatar on this page?
Are they using for icons?
I don’t think so? I’ve got a gravatar attached to my email and it doesn’t show up here.
Wait, now it is. Maybe they are!
Why wasn’t it before!?
Also the comment section refuses to save my user data
Noah and Sarah have become quite the cute couple. I know there’s no sexy time stuff, but they make a good pair for each other.
Sorry, but I ship it. It’d be nice if we got some M/F sex between these two. I mean… you haven’t drawn that (guy girl sex), and it’d def be nice… and HOT!
Noah and Sarah must bone!
Oof, yupp, thems the holiday spirit….
Witch of many Jobs
Steven, no substitute for a child? Don´t be too hasty, we have not seen all of his tricks yet.
Parents need to allow their kids to live their own lives. You had kids at 18 or 20, good job, the rest of us wanna find our own paths
You had kids at 18 or 20 because you had an economy stable enough to maintain that kind of thing. Then you pulled the ladder up behind you and now we can barely afford to live.
Opus the Poet
When I was 30 all 3 of mine were in school.
Looking forward to the Parental Childbearing Pressure arc lol
“I know your girlfriend is a woman like you, but I really want some grandkids!”