Let’s hope that Tara kept in mind what was the last code she typed. In their situation, knowing how to return to your starting point is the most valuable information.
The backgrounds in the first three panels are all just beautiful. Also, Colin’s self-censoring foot in panel three is really funny to me, for some reason.
That “Beholder” has only 4 eyestalks, meaning it’s actually either 1) a Spectator, which is less bad (but still pretty bad), or 2) the ancient proto-deity Tharizdun, the Elder Elemental Eye, the Creeping Chaos, Entropy Incarnate, and the End of All Things, which is much, MUCH worse.
All that falling and tossing and tumbling around, and they haven’t lost a single one of their flip-flops! Those things must be glued to the soles of their feet somehow.
20 thoughts on “Tower of Tricks #6”
Witch of many Jobs
“Alriiiiightt, I am going to actually think to solve this puzzle. You happy?!”
*evil laughter from Noah*
a reader among thousands
Let’s hope that Tara kept in mind what was the last code she typed. In their situation, knowing how to return to your starting point is the most valuable information.
Boss Boro
I was going to say that. Hope they’ve taken notes of the combinations they’ve already tried.
Michael Steamweed
Sarah has learned that, sometimes, the puzzles brute-force right back at you.
Why hasn’t Tara called out to Steven yet?
Tara in panel 2: I’ve seen enough hentai to know where this is going!
The fact that panel 2 is the only where Colin isn’t present makes her assumption even more credible. It was the only place it was gonna go.
Nort Enjoyer
Hentai? She experienced it for real in the past and she seems to consider doing it again
The code is obviously up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A
Oh, no! I’ve caught up!
Great story so far, I’m glad we both are still here.
That’s a really well-drawn Spectator, kudos to the artist
Lots of beauty in panel 2
The backgrounds in the first three panels are all just beautiful. Also, Colin’s self-censoring foot in panel three is really funny to me, for some reason.
The Portubler (it portubles, you see)
That “Beholder” has only 4 eyestalks, meaning it’s actually either 1) a Spectator, which is less bad (but still pretty bad), or 2) the ancient proto-deity Tharizdun, the Elder Elemental Eye, the Creeping Chaos, Entropy Incarnate, and the End of All Things, which is much, MUCH worse.
Good For Thought
The way you managed to make the fabric look translucent is astounding.
When you don’t even bother trying to figure out the puzzle so the DM tells you to just start rolling d100 luck checks
That’s an awfully big Spectator, but I guess it technically could still fall in the “Medium” size category.
All that falling and tossing and tumbling around, and they haven’t lost a single one of their flip-flops! Those things must be glued to the soles of their feet somehow.
Boss Boro
That’s just Noah having fun describing all the weird places they end up at.