Sunshine Valentine #10

23 thoughts on “Sunshine Valentine #10

  1. That’s a great metaphor

  2. As much as I like candy corn, I need Sarah’s swim suit at some point… when I am more confident atleast

    Also love how Noah is expecting some “jumping in the deep end” metaphor and Sarah is just “let yourself be happy, or you go in the pool” it’s just so in character for both

  3. Idk how others, but to me, it seems like this will evetually turn into a full on “dating type” relationship 👀

  4. Oh, they are FAR past dating

    1. They have done everything a normal couple has done but sex. This is why it is causing them some confusion. Society puts so much emphasis on dating, love, and sex. So much so that love and sex sometimes get tangled and become synonymous. But love comes in so many forms.

      1. “Normal” couple? Plenty of romantic, ie “normal,” couples don’t have sex. These two, however, are queerplatonic, which thus means at least mostly non-romantic. So basically, you don’t have to love each-other romantically to be dating. THIS is what is causing them confusion…Well, I guess it could be both.

        1. To be fair, it was never stated to be a queerplatonic relationship, it doesn’t have any kind of label so far. It might not ever get a label, but it also could develop into a romantic relationship still, who knows. All we know is that they won’t have sex, anything else is yet to be seen.

        2. @Ciri Nort stated it to be a queerplatonic relationship in a social media comment, I think on Twitter.

  5. Hey, for some reason, there was no arrow on page 9 to move to this page. I had to click Home to see the comic, and also the comments didn’t pop up properly, either.

  6. Titania Bird Keil

    For the love of the gods, Noah. You two are perfect for each other. Stop overthinking it and enjoy the forcible jump into the pool.

  7. Honestly, what they have is beyond adorable. Their chemistry is just so blatant with every panel they share. I particularly love that they are so communicative with each other. So many stories have the couple never talk about things to create “drama” but that is always frustrating rather than compelling. I just really love this 😊

    Will you ever cover other aspects of dating while asexual? Noah isn’t sex interested at all but we know that Sarah has had a sex life previously. Will that cause any issues that warrant discussion or is she happy/content without it?

    1. iirc in a previous comic, it’s hinted that Sarah will “take care of herself” if she wants, so I don’t think she’s particularly bothered by not having sex. She said something about how that part of her brain is totally separate from the part of her brain that likes cuddles and so on.

      If anything, I would expect a manic adventure where Sarah buys a sexmachine and Noah tinkers with it – Sarah gets that particular physical need satisfied, while Noah gets the satisfaction of tinkering with a bit of technology and solving problems. And all the time, they’re arguing about what the machine should be doing, lol.

      1. a reader among thousands

        Anyway, haven’t she also said, way better than I’ll do it, that due to her great body she felt obligated to seduce and answer male attempt?
        Therefore being with Noah, who acknowledge that she’s marvelous, but don’t care a single second, must be so peaceful for her. She doesn’t feel that need to answer his acknowledgement and can just be herself.

  8. I keep thinking “candy corn” when I look at Sarah’s bikini.

    1. This is the second comment to mention “candy corn.”
      I guess it refers to something they don’t sell in New Zealand. My first thought was popcorn, but that makes no sense.

      1. It is not particularly tasty to most people.
        (If you’ve read Homestuck, the trolls horns are coloured like they are because of candy corn.)

  9. Next step is the traditional engagement and marriage.

  10. I’ve noticed something about Noah. It looks like he has top surgery scars. Is Noah a trans man? If he is, that’s a cool revelation!

    1. it’s on his bio page that he’s a trans man, so yeah, it’s true

  11. Just take the plunge already

  12. By the second panel, I was thinking: “Omigod, Noah’s doing serious thinking, what has the world come to…” but thankfully the pool plunge settled that particular tangent 🙂

    Two additional thoughts about this story: 1. that vacation house has already seen one true proposal and one abandoned one, so three’s the magic number… 2. I love Noah and Sarah as a couple, and by now, they’ve gone from scene stealers to show stealers – but I’d also love to see Tara exerting her rights as older sister by showing Sarah a photo of pre-operative Noah (according to his bio, his full name’s “Noah Riley Ryan”… was “Riley” his birth name?)

  13. Witch of many Jobs

    Noah with the hair slick back candy shot!

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