Screamlined Methods #5

56 thoughts on “Screamlined Methods #5

  1. Noah absolutely has the right idea here. Who knows what this thing is actually doing. And it’s freaking magitek, of course you open that sucker up!

    1. It turns out hardware-wise it’s just a 3rd-hand Kinect plugged into an Nvidia Jetson Nano doing very specialized audio and video processing. The energy collection is just an enchantment on the housing.

  2. Sarah and Noah quickly becoming a new favorite couple after our girls

  3. Is that just baby fat or is Penny pregnant again already?

    1. I thought the same thing

    2. I think that’s post baby belly.

    3. Definitely baby fat as the baby is taking up so much of their time, that they “will never get the dining set”.

      1. Michael Steamweed

        But that coffee machine is certainly a worthy goal!

    4. Either way, the stretchmarks are a nice touch. Liking the layer of reality.

  4. Dee is great
    I hope we see more of her

  5. Did Bev and Tara get a referral bonus?

  6. Ngl, I still dont understand why Colin and Alice are in the story when they only ever amount to background

    1. Uhhh, Dee doesn’t really do much these days either. They’re in the story because stories involve lots of people, not just the immediately consequential ones.

    2. They are participating in Noah’s D&D campaign so presumably Bev and Tara hang out with them a decent amount even if it’s not all on-screen.

  7. *i’m assuming* Russell: puts the OJ back, grabs a gatorade and some red bull.

  8. I mean….it’s an honest mistake to outsiders to assume they’re smashing constantly

    1. True, but everyone is shipping it and hoping they will start to smash officially. 😀

    2. Especially if they know Sarah well, and only know Noah enough to see him making jokes about being a pervert.

  9. Much as I love Tara and Beverly’s story, I have to say I’ve missed the nudity and sexcapades in this comic.

  10. HA! I called Sarah and Noah being the wrong target audience for this gadget at the previous strip (although it wasn’t that hard to guess…) Now for future predictions (@Nortuet: erase this comment if it becomes a spoiler): Step 1: Noah rewires the gadget so it reports him and Sarah screwing 24/7. Step 2: They clean off all rewards thanks to this. Step 3: Tara & Beverly visit Noah & Sarah’s place, see all the rewards and a major misunderstanding evolves… 🙂

    1. “just… HOW did you do this?!”
      “It was super easy; Barely an inconvenience.!”

    2. Michael Steamweed

      Exactly what Sarah and Noah would like!

    3. Well, Sarah still pleasures herself, so that should be somewhat rewarding. Provided Noah does not break the machine while tinkering with it.

  11. Hope the witches are not ruined by success. What if people start qualifying for more swag than the company can afford :{

    1. I’m wondering what they do with that energy. Like, pay it forward to Hell? Invest it in horny dream manufacturing? Who knows?

      1. They probably turn it into over-the-counter aphrodisiacs.

  12. Now I’m just hoping later on we’ll randomly see the same coffee maker in the background of different people’s houses.

    1. And then Nortuet won’t have to draw out the same device over and over, but can just do a rotate ‘n’ copy-paste. Genius!

      (modern problems; modern solutions)

  13. I feel like the succubi REALLY missed their window of opportunity to harvest a whole boatload of “fun time” energy from Sarah.

    1. Chaos Energy might be the purview of another demon department, not the succubi. Not sure which ones, though.

  14. Witch of many jobs

    They may be weird but sometimes the weird oens are the sane ones.

  15. Their decision making skills aren’t clouded by a haze of lust and greed! They’re too dangerous!

  16. Even though the first halloween special was how I found this comic, this really wasn’t the direction I expected this to take

  17. Noah: Yeah I have no real use for this so I’m gonna take it apart to see how it works instead.

    1. Michael Steamweed

      “Hey! If this thing senses horny energy, maybe it can sense horny ghost energy! I can make a new ghost-hunting tool!”

  18. Yet another canon blast to sink that ship.

    1. I mean the relationship is still there, it’s just asexual. aka the ship is fine, it just doesn’t sail anywhere – it’s a nice, cozy houseboat that’s tied up at home.

  19. All the warriors are showing up in this chapter lmao

  20. I’m still expecting this to end in tears, most likely with Bev and Tara utterly crashing the game’s economy by going at it 24/7 and driving the succubi into bankruptcy with the amount of prizes they owe.

  21. Bev has this low-key prevalent sibling rivalry with her bro Dan. If she finds out he’s in this, too, I can see Bev going full rivalry. “Love, we must get that dining set. Take your clothes off.”
    Poor Tara. Used so callously just to gain free kitchenware. 😀

    1. used so callously? a few chapters back Tara literally asked Bev to objectify her more and initiate Sex more often. She’d be ecstatic!

      1. Michael Steamweed

        I know. I was attempting antiphrasis. Not commenting literally. 🙂

  22. Interesting. Does this imply that the witch has been trapping the other couples for years as well, off-screen?

    1. It *might* imply that, with the ‘commidification’ of their enterprise, they don’t have to spend a lot of time and effort focusing on just ONE couple (Bev n Tara) but can ‘diversity their customer base’ – it takes only one person a short visit to ‘sell’ the program to a couple and then the harvesting is automated, versus the whole team preparing and maintaining a ‘sexy theme park’ for a single couple.

  23. Wait a second this is a pyramid scheme

  24. Finally, a definition of ‘sane’ that fits me. Thank you Noah.

  25. Ha! That’s the swingers from the other Story line! Good for then they found another pair ^^

    Also I really hope these two belly bumbs I spotted ate baby bumbs! Pregnant woman have they very own beauty from my sight.

  26. Who are the 4 in the 3rd panel? I don’t recognize them

    1. Michael Steamweed

      A new couple; they’re not named in the tags. I’m guessing they’re the latest swingers couple that Alice and Colin have hooked up with.

  27. Michael Steamweed

    If any of them host at-home an MLM party (multi-level marketing) event, they can get lots of points all together. “Come for the orgy; stay for the free prizes!”

  28. So they ARE swingers.

  29. I like how this implies that, presumably, the succubi have had some kinds of encounters with everyone featured here, so they’re all aware of the fact that magic exists. Or Tara and Bev let everyone know and they all believed it.

  30. Witch: “According to these readings, Noah and Sarah are dead of exhaustion.”

  31. Just imagine what would happen if there was a leaderboard…..

  32. Goofy Goober Rock

    Lmao imagine Sarah and Noah find a way to hijack the machine and get enough points for everything and everyone is just like “HOW??!”

  33. Noah, you’re my favorite ace

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