Aw yiss! Ereyesterday, I found this comic’s website, months after leaving the blue bird site. Today morning, I caught up on the latest episodes. Today afternoon, new episode! Happy mew!
While that is true, the clock in question clearly has an “AM(/PM)” indicator, and every digital clock I’ve seen has had a leading zero in the ten-hours place.
So the unpredictability of living with an attractive roommate is the bad kind of unpredictability, like that of an automobile accident. Not the good kind, like investing in a stock that goes up 1000% in a day.
Noah! Noah! In all this ramp up of Insanely Hot Insane Roommate vs Muscle Mommy Wife, you’re forgetting an important solution here! You can have both! Dee’s pretty fit, I bet you could set up some sort of weird polycule there…Though, that’d mean you’d have to live with kids. And I don’t trust Noah or especially Sarah with kids.
Beverly, no! NO. You’re supposed to be spooning with Tara, NOT turning your back on her in bed! You’re the BIG spoon in the marriage. Spooning is your responsibility!
16 thoughts on “Roommates #1”
Aw yiss! Ereyesterday, I found this comic’s website, months after leaving the blue bird site. Today morning, I caught up on the latest episodes. Today afternoon, new episode! Happy mew!
I’m fucking dying
An alarm clock with a leading zero?
24-Hour clocks are like that. Because Ante Meridiem and Post Meridiem are for wimps!
While that is true, the clock in question clearly has an “AM(/PM)” indicator, and every digital clock I’ve seen has had a leading zero in the ten-hours place.
I’d rather have the hot muscly wife I could snuggle into the arms of every night
X Marcs the Spot
As would any rational person.
Jaded Cynic
Speaking as someone who will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary next spring, ‘the predictability of domestic life’ is NOT comparable…
…it’s BETTER <3
K. Bray
*ahem* Excuse me, but you’re gonna have to turn in that name, you’re neither ‘jaded’ nor ‘cynical’. I don’t make the rules. … I think.
Gregina Bogosian
So the unpredictability of living with an attractive roommate is the bad kind of unpredictability, like that of an automobile accident. Not the good kind, like investing in a stock that goes up 1000% in a day.
Purple Library Guy
Given the particular attractive roommate under discussion I’d say that’s a fair analogy.
Witch of many Jobs
You´d think that after the Holiday they had they would have enough of dungeons for a while.
Opus the Poet
Panel 4 Tara is best Tara picture…
Cam Serif
Noah! Noah! In all this ramp up of Insanely Hot Insane Roommate vs Muscle Mommy Wife, you’re forgetting an important solution here! You can have both! Dee’s pretty fit, I bet you could set up some sort of weird polycule there…Though, that’d mean you’d have to live with kids. And I don’t trust Noah or especially Sarah with kids.
Michael Steamweed
Yesss, Tara. You need a sex dungeon in the basement. Yesss!
Beverly, no! NO. You’re supposed to be spooning with Tara, NOT turning your back on her in bed! You’re the BIG spoon in the marriage. Spooning is your responsibility!