Broke Backpacking #13

19 thoughts on “Broke Backpacking #13


    1. right? stupid onion ninjas

    2. It’s just raining. That’s all.

  2. She’s on the way to recovery.

  3. I came here for the sexy, kinky Halloween episodes. I stay for the sincere and loving relationship. (And also Steven.)

  4. I understand her, this is hitting way too close to home…

    1. Michael Steamweed

      I love your name! 🙂

  5. Look at Steven over there, like a wise sage.


  7. This arc was beautiful 🙂 saw a couple pages on twitter and had to binge the whole series in 2 days for full context

  8. Michael Steamweed

    Oh, panel one. My heart!

    1. I know right its just so cute…

  9. Witch of many jobs

    That panel with the big vista shot is just beautiful.

  10. #relationshipgoals

  11. This is nice. Tara still holds Steven’s leash, but he sits close to Beverly when he is off leash.

    1. Steven can carry his own leash, but it’s important that the humans feel useful

      1. When meeting someone walking their dog, sometimes the beast wants to say hello. Other times they are busy WALKING and do not want their people to just stand around being lazy :}

  12. am i the only one who thinks it’s hilarious that Nortuet refuses to update the twitter icon in every panel to x?

  13. Bev here is so…me. Waiting until you’re not sad anymore. That rings mighty true.

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