Part of good comedy is paying attention to the audience’s reactions – Noah should probably have realised in part 2 *at the latest* that Tara was sick of the shenanigans.
And now it begins to make sense – this is their (chaotic as usual) lead-in to telling Tara and Bev that they’re in a queerplatonic relationship, not a romantic one.
It still could romantic just not sexual. Sex and romance are not always connected. This is something people need to learn. Noah and Sara are good examples!
Very much this. There are people who are A-sexual (Ace), people who are A-romantic (Aro), and people who are both. All 3 types have different goals and challenges when figuring out relationships, especially life long or life partner type relationships.
Noah is definitely Ace, but I’m not sure he is fully Aro.
Holy shit
I’ve known I’m AroAce for a while now, but recently, I realized I’ve got a crush on this girl. A REALLY bad crush
And it made me doubt my judgment of myself. It got me tripped up on if I rally am AroAce. Reading this comment made me realize I could still be Ace, but not entirely Aro. And maybe by the end of the school year. I might get to be with her.
Is this the first time Sarah has been surprised by Tara’s actions? I mean other than Tara’s inaction to Sarah’s reindeer titty sweater. I hope Tara is bringing Noah into the basement (dungeon) with bare light bulbs for another lecture. 🙂
She’s not as close to the situation, I think. Tara’s been dealing with her brother’s shenanigans her whole life, and he knows how to hit all the buttons. Bev’s able to take a step back and look it over. Also, she’s able to keep a more rational mind overall, so she saw what was going on.
I Hope taras frustration is getting through. Cause at this stage, it is becoming too much. All this and move in next door without saying anything just to annoy Tara is too far.
Honestly, this was a great live art piece. It’s got depth. It’s got humor. It got Tara riled up. And thinking about it, the whole “charades” bit is spot on, as it’s all an act. Applause to them for this one. 5 Star review. Can’t wait for the Broadway adaptation.
22 thoughts on “Over for Dinner #4”
Tara is being a buzzkill!
Part of good comedy is paying attention to the audience’s reactions – Noah should probably have realised in part 2 *at the latest* that Tara was sick of the shenanigans.
I really like the metaphor they are going with, even if the way they made it was explicitly to piss off Tera
And now it begins to make sense – this is their (chaotic as usual) lead-in to telling Tara and Bev that they’re in a queerplatonic relationship, not a romantic one.
It still could romantic just not sexual. Sex and romance are not always connected. This is something people need to learn. Noah and Sara are good examples!
Very much this. There are people who are A-sexual (Ace), people who are A-romantic (Aro), and people who are both. All 3 types have different goals and challenges when figuring out relationships, especially life long or life partner type relationships.
Noah is definitely Ace, but I’m not sure he is fully Aro.
Holy shit
I’ve known I’m AroAce for a while now, but recently, I realized I’ve got a crush on this girl. A REALLY bad crush
And it made me doubt my judgment of myself. It got me tripped up on if I rally am AroAce. Reading this comment made me realize I could still be Ace, but not entirely Aro. And maybe by the end of the school year. I might get to be with her.
It was confirmed that their relationship is not romantic or sexual.
Is this the first time Sarah has been surprised by Tara’s actions? I mean other than Tara’s inaction to Sarah’s reindeer titty sweater. I hope Tara is bringing Noah into the basement (dungeon) with bare light bulbs for another lecture. 🙂
I love how Bev and Sarah are chatting happily about all this. It’s sweet.
Also Bev totally called it being basically interactive theater and a sex metaphor
She’s not as close to the situation, I think. Tara’s been dealing with her brother’s shenanigans her whole life, and he knows how to hit all the buttons. Bev’s able to take a step back and look it over. Also, she’s able to keep a more rational mind overall, so she saw what was going on.
Danny B
I think this is the first time we see Bev and Sarah just talking to each other like this. Usually it’s Tara and Sarah.
Good on Tara for putting a lid on it
I just love the 2 of them.
I Hope taras frustration is getting through. Cause at this stage, it is becoming too much. All this and move in next door without saying anything just to annoy Tara is too far.
And that is why Bev only had the bun!
Umm, no. Look at the last panel of the previous strip, both have bun and sausage. Not everything is a metaphor.
LOL! Made you look!
Honestly, this was a great live art piece. It’s got depth. It’s got humor. It got Tara riled up. And thinking about it, the whole “charades” bit is spot on, as it’s all an act. Applause to them for this one. 5 Star review. Can’t wait for the Broadway adaptation.
Witch of many Jobs
When even Tara has enough of your shenanigans you might have overdone it.
Plot twist: Tara is going to lay out a plan for her and Noah to mess with both of them.