Sarahnormal Activity #6

10 thoughts on “Sarahnormal Activity #6

  1. Steven is not impressed

  2. Also seems it’s just official now that Sarah can understand Steven.

  3. I’m not committed, but neither am I opposed, to dying on those hills.

    1. They sure look nice, but there’s a Sarah attached.

      1. makes it better

  4. Witch of many Jobs

    Even Steven is tired of your shenanigans

  5. I wanna see boobs :c

  6. I feel like characters who’s name begin with S can understand Steven – Sarah, Succubi, Spirits – just a thought ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  7. I think Lucy broke the code. I mean, two out of three of her suggestions are otherwordly powers, but I guess we could include Sarah’s titties as out of this world as well?
    So, half understanding?

  8. I can’t stop smiling at that last panel. The matching chaotic grins? The way Sarah’s holding that detector like she’s about to shank someone with it? It’s like you distilled their dynamic into a single frame and I love it.

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