A Memorable Party #10

11 thoughts on “A Memorable Party #10

  1. So that’s why Sarah was doing so well at finding stuff out – she was rolling 20s for speech checks !

  2. Rookie mistake, Noah… you ALWAYS anticipate the players botching the easy stuff and crushing the hard stuff.

  3. First rule of D&D. Players will always manage to take a simple situation and absolutely turn it into the most convoluted fuster cluck imaginable.


    1. IKR? She MUST have been reading at some time in the past; can’t believe I forgot how awesome she looks like that. <3

    2. Michael Steamweed

      Second time we’ve seen them. Here’s the first time (I think):

  5. Panel 4: Poor Noah! I want to hug him out of sympathy. Been there many times! 😀

  6. Yeah, honestly this time they did try to accomplish the mission. Aside from Tara and Alice going straight to the party hall with their hostage, of course.

  7. Witch of many jobs

    Speaking from experience that is how it usually goes. Opening a simple locked door? Impossible. Snipe the lich from across the battlefield with a bottle? Natural 20.

  8. When I DM I try to have response matrix.

    Success – Failure – Batshit Crazy

    For Failure I’ll usually have them wake up naked on a prison galley, a slave market in the City of Dis, or in the pantry of a hill giant trading post.

    For batshit I have a plausible random combat that I can distract them with while I try to improvise a railroad back to the plot.

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