Sunshine Valentine #2

18 thoughts on “Sunshine Valentine #2

  1. I’d buy that book

  2. Is that a fucking Harambe book? In the year of our lord 2025?

  3. My two cents:
    Wish her sexiness would attract him to her, regardless how f the circumstances.

    1. Titania Bird Keil

      He’s ace. Ace people exist. They don’t need or desire sex.
      Noah’s fine. Grow up.

      1. THANK YOU, from an ACE

  4. Really? 😏

  5. I feel like there’s a really good fourth wall joke about watching but I’m not funny enough to come up with it. I know it’s there though

    1. i’m just really happy this wall is see through

  6. “Becoming A Savior: An Autobiography By Harambe” is a fascinating book title. Is the nortverse the good timeline where Harambe lived?

  7. Shame that there is a mov or gif showing the chase around the pool.

  8. Sorry. Should have read “there isn’t “

  9. Sarah needs attention.

  10. Can someone ban FanaF from this page now…?

  11. Titania Bird Keil

    Wouldn’t be surprised if this leads to some kind of a revelation between the two.
    Which, I mean…asexual romance between the two? Hell yeah.

  12. They’re too damn cute together

  13. I just love there dynamic. Just joking around and playfully pushing each other’s buttons. Peak relationship, whatever kind it is

  14. I hope this does not lead to an “I am into sex now” from one of the only ACE characters that I know of

  15. These two are just so adorable for a platonic couple.

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