I agree. They mimic the perfect 50’s family, but is it to mess up with Bev and Tara, or is it just how they genuinely think a couple should act when having guess?
With them, it can even be to mock themselves. Being a couple is so conventional, way too much for their personality. So, if they have to be a couple, it will be the burlesque version of one.
Ah yes, the best duo once again proving that they’ve drawn the line between “This is actually who we are.” and “We’re actively fucking with you.” with invisible ink.
“If this is anything other than them messing with us, I’ll be shocked” “Hey, even they have to grow up sometime, right?” Por que no los dos? Two things can be true!
Noah and Sarah are consistently hilarious, btw, and both them and Bev & Tara are always incredibly cute <3
A good bit of the “Fucking with them” is “We aren’t quite sure what we’re doing, what we are,and how we see ourselves, so we mask it with self conscious irony”
I’m impressed they could move in without Bev or Tara noticing. Given the struggle they had getting a new bed into their appartment. Also Tara’s parent’s would have known, and yet let nothing slip.
LMAO this parody of a 50s married couple is absolutely hilarious. Wait… This makes me wonder just how insane of an influence would they be if they eventually acquired a child…
The casual way they talk about Sarah sleeping under the sink made me chortle.
I find Sarah and Noah far more interesting than Bev and Tara. The past few comics featuring them has been so refreshing, I’m a little bummed we’re finally coming back to reality.
100% Sarah is putting on either a country accent or 50s americana housewife perfect voice. Either way I like that she hid her teeth in the third panel but not the fourth, both of them are so chaotic.
Also, if she’s sleeping under the sink, Noah’s gonna have to be under there with her!
As always, personal growth from Noah and Sarah means
1) They’ll never tell anyone about it and
2) They will happily mess with everyone else just for the lols
I love them so much ^^
47 thoughts on “Over for Dinner #1”
Sam Burnett
Do THEY even know if they are messing about or not? Honestly, I can’t even tell anymore. Maybe they are just really committed to the bit? 🤔
a reader among thousands
I agree. They mimic the perfect 50’s family, but is it to mess up with Bev and Tara, or is it just how they genuinely think a couple should act when having guess?
With them, it can even be to mock themselves. Being a couple is so conventional, way too much for their personality. So, if they have to be a couple, it will be the burlesque version of one.
Ah yes, the best duo once again proving that they’ve drawn the line between “This is actually who we are.” and “We’re actively fucking with you.” with invisible ink.
Some Guy
It’s a good thing I was reading in the bathroom cause I almost shit myself with laughter
Honestly, Bev’s strained look in the last panel is the best part of the bit.
Noah got so tan after the last comic lol
Ngl, I feel like this comic has been more about Sarah and Noah than Tara and Bev for the past year
And of course they decide to great them like they’re some 1950s couple, should we have expected anything less?
Also didn’t notice last episode but they got properly tan
a reader among thousands
Am I the only one who heard the public’s laughter that goes with the two last panels, or should I cut short on watching sitcom for some times?
Oh thank god it wasn’t just me.
Are they supposed to be June and Ward Cleaver?
“If this is anything other than them messing with us, I’ll be shocked” “Hey, even they have to grow up sometime, right?” Por que no los dos? Two things can be true!
Noah and Sarah are consistently hilarious, btw, and both them and Bev & Tara are always incredibly cute <3
Oh this bit is gonna be a good one, although most of the bits they end up committing to are good bits
Bruh i can HEAR the laugh track
now thats a Housewife with capital H (joke)
Bev, anytime the phrase “grow up” is used, you REALLY have to define it first.
A good bit of the “Fucking with them” is “We aren’t quite sure what we’re doing, what we are,and how we see ourselves, so we mask it with self conscious irony”
Chaotic neutral. That’s all I can say about those two.
Danny B
More like ‘chaotic chaotic’.
I’m impressed they could move in without Bev or Tara noticing. Given the struggle they had getting a new bed into their appartment. Also Tara’s parent’s would have known, and yet let nothing slip.
X Marcs the Spot
Tara’s parents were in on the joke, clearly.
There is no indicators or sound in this comic, and somehow you know those two are putting on accents for this whole bit.
All-Purpose Guru
Can’t be June Cleaver. She’s not wearing pearls.
There’s only one kind of pearl necklace Sarah would wear….
Ed Brault
Donna Stone from the Donna Reed Show?
Claude Monet
I see Sarah’s succubi teeth are still making appearances. I wonder what type of nature of succubus she is?
what are you, a cop?
I love how committed Noah and Sarah are to each other (platonically) and also the bit
sarahs going to cast spells by accidentally twitching her nose, isnt she…
$100 dollars says the the pipe blows bubbles!
No bet.
Witch of many Jobs
They went full 50s. I love this already.
Noah in formal attire is so cursed
They may have to grow up someday, but today is not that day.
Under the sink is a bit much for a first offense :{
LMAO this parody of a 50s married couple is absolutely hilarious. Wait… This makes me wonder just how insane of an influence would they be if they eventually acquired a child…
Fuckin love these weirdos.
Also I like Tara’s top, it’s super cute
Personally I love the yellow underneath, it accents it so well!
I suppose it was too much to expect them to have grown up too much xP
What the heck is going on with Tara’s left arm and her torso in the last panel?
The casual way they talk about Sarah sleeping under the sink made me chortle.
I find Sarah and Noah far more interesting than Bev and Tara. The past few comics featuring them has been so refreshing, I’m a little bummed we’re finally coming back to reality.
100% Sarah is putting on either a country accent or 50s americana housewife perfect voice. Either way I like that she hid her teeth in the third panel but not the fourth, both of them are so chaotic.
Also, if she’s sleeping under the sink, Noah’s gonna have to be under there with her!
Since she has pointed teeth, has it ever been verified that Sarah isn’t human, but actually a demon?
If that is not an “I told you so” look from Tara, I don’t know what the Fuck is.
Titania Bird Keil
Careful, Sarah and Noah. The line between satire and sincerity is perilously thin.
As always, personal growth from Noah and Sarah means
1) They’ll never tell anyone about it and
2) They will happily mess with everyone else just for the lols
I love them so much ^^
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