A Memorable Party #1

22 thoughts on “A Memorable Party #1

  1. Thank god you post in here, since i cant access twitter in brazil anymore.
    All the brazilians migrated to bluesky btw.

  2. The adventure continues!
    LETS GO!

  3. Ooooh, let’s see how far they can get without committing mass murder this time.

    (My money’s on page two.)

  4. I really do hope they learn to NOT be murder-hobos…

    1. Since Sarah likes to indulge in behavior that makes men think she might be a killer, perhaps she will never evolve belong “murder-hobo” in a fantasy game.

  5. thankfully I saved the site before X blew up here

  6. When you’re a DM who’s made peace with your party being a horde of murder hobos and you steer them accordingly.

  7. noah making SURE this time that they go the right way

  8. Carrying clues past an adventure party, sheesh. Might as well have been wearing a Red Shirt :}

    1. well. the shirt’s definitely going to turn red real fast

    2. Michael Steamweed

      Pro tip: If their shirt isn’t red to start with, you can make it retroactively red by stabbing them many times.

  9. Does Steven roll his own dice and have his own character sheet ? Noah can interpret what Steven wishes to do ingame, right ?

    1. Sarah is the one that understands Steven. So she would be the one who interprets Steven’s wishes? https://nortverse.com/comic/sarahnormal-activity-6/

    2. I think he counts a Tara’s character’s familiar.

      1. Hmm, last time around… it does look like there’s a character sheet for Steven here: https://nortverse.com/comic/the-shrieking-mires-12/

        1. Michael Steamweed

          It appears to be a half-sheet. Suitable for familiars, animal companions, henchpersons, etc.

  10. Noah remains optimistic that they’ll actually take a plot hook properly. Despite his roommate and his sister being among the players and knowing them both better than that.

    1. a reader among thousands

      “Optimistic” isn’t among the words I would use to talk about a Game Master who have to bring the clues to his player 😉

  11. I still like the Morrigan costume.

  12. Witch of many jobs

    I actually thought this was a one off. Good to see our group of oddball adventurers again.

  13. Michael Steamweed

    Aah! We’re back to these idiots again! I love them! 😀

  14. So they’re going down down down by the river?

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