A Memorable Party #2

13 thoughts on “A Memorable Party #2

  1. Michael Steamweed

    I love that place’s name! 😀

  2. Bit on the nose there…

    1. DM Noah is tired, and he’s feeling a little passive-aggressive, methinks.
      (love it, btw)

  3. Ditto on the name of the inn. Very on the nose.

  4. It seems that telling them (out-of-character) not to kill everyone they meet was too subtle (Shrieking Mires #12).

  5. The barkeep knows who they are and sends them into the cellar. Isn’t that the definition of walking into a trap? Don’t need to be Aldo Raine to figure that one out. 🙂

    1. No, because that’s not the adventure Noah wants to run.
      He does need to run some consequences for the players’ actions ,but the entire point of the existence of this bar (see panel 1) is to try to get the adventure back on track after the party murdered most of the quest-givers.

    2. I don’t think that’s a issue. This bartender clearly have a very specific business model targeted at a clientele of “adventurer who put themselves on everyone’s persona non-grata list”. That’s a customer base that gain new members every passing hour due to adventurers tendencies to not think before they act, but If his place was known to rat on said adventurers he would have trouble staying in business (not to mention, reduce the number of repeat customer).

  6. Yeeeees, now introduce us to Alice and Colin more, until the reveal of one or both of their tragic backstories! I hope they met on the Costa De Concordia and that’s why they’re scared of water to this day!
    I doubt it’s *canon* but I still hope they do at least some light swinging with Tara and Bev. Tara can have some fun playing with a peener again from time to time and make all the elephant noises she wants, and Bev can show Alice all the ways Alice can orgasm that she wasn’t aware of! You can’t stop me from dreaming.

  7. Is Alice a githyanki?

  8. Witch of many jobs

    That is actually a pretty funny name for a place to go to because you had a really crappy day.

    1. Yeah, I would totally patronize a bar with that name.

  9. “There’s no guarantee she’s currently in danger.”

    Not with that attitude!

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