A Memorable Party #4

18 thoughts on “A Memorable Party #4

  1. Nice moment of self-awareness there from Tara.

  2. Michael Steamweed

    Ahh, yes, an ongoing discussion topic in parts of the ttrpg community. Are we being hoisted by our own petard or by society’s stereotype of us? 🙂

    1. Both?

  3. a reader among thousands

    I really like the small pause between “here to” and “rescue”. Not at all suspicious.

  4. I’m amused that Alice and Tara the 5ft slightly green ladies would be easily spotted but Beverly the 7ft tall red horned lady would not

    1. Tieflings are in the main PHB, Gith and Goblins as playable races are supplemental material. It’s possible that tieflings are just far more common in town than the others.

      1. I would say, how many nobles are nobles because of a devil’s pact? maybe tieflings are more common on noble houses, but still less visible as they are hidden from others.

  5. Except for once at the start, Sarah has been…oddly quiet this arc so far.

    1. She said herself she prefers fighting to talking

  6. How are they going to get Steven into the party? Scottys kind of stand out amongst humans.

    1. It’s Steven – if needed, he’ll BORF into the event.

      1. Michael Steamweed

        Lesser magical beings ‘bamf’ into places. But Steven (a greater magical being) will ‘borf’ to wherever they are.

  7. “here to … rescue”. Does this mean they’ll let the kid …. nap?

  8. Is there an explanation for the goblin being as tall as a gith?

    1. Michael Steamweed

      The Gith is kind of short for her people (but still within standard range, I guess; an ordinary human woman could be that short, too). They’re just an offshoot of humans.

  9. Witch of many jobs

    At least they know their actions are not exactly conductive to their own reputation.

  10. I honesty and legitimately can’t wait to see how badly they shag things up THIS time….

  11. Just realized that Tara is supposed to be a Goblin. Either they have different Goblins where that Game is happening, or Tara is WAY too tall for it. She looks human-standard sized, a Goblin is normally maybe half of that or less. The way she looks i’d sooner call her a green-skinned Elf

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