A Memorable Party #6

11 thoughts on “A Memorable Party #6

  1. Michael Steamweed

    Love panel 3! But, tsk, Alice, you’re letting Tara be a bad influence on you. 🙂

    1. Why are you blaming Tara for this? Alice and Colin play Catan…She’s totally a dork.

      1. Michael Steamweed

        Oh, sure, her boardgaming dorkness is established. But it feels like she’s new to roleplaying games. Seems like Tara’s sneaky-murder-hobo-ing is corrupting Alice. 🙂

  2. Our murder hobos are close to getting some good intel and maybe a few bites of food. Except for the goblin and the other girl.

    1. It’s a githyanki

  3. Honestly playing the amnesia card is brilliant

    1. Michael Steamweed

      A very good improv call, rolling with the opening. Sarah must have rolled herself a 20 on that one.

  4. Witch of many jobs

    A goofy trumpet version of the Metal Gear Solid theme better be playing over our two green spies infiltrating the place.

    1. I dunno, this feels a bit more “Mission Impossible Theme on a kazoo” to me.

      1. Maybe James Bond on bagpipes?

  5. And they were roommates

    The character designs are so intricate I’m starting to think you just got a sudden hankering to make a D&D webcomic but didn’t want to split your attention between two comics.

    Bravo, this is great.

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