A Memorable Party #8

7 thoughts on “A Memorable Party #8

  1. Michael Steamweed

    “We’re actually innocent and trustworthy!” say the gith and gob. 😀

  2. and here’s why those outfits actually have a use – they should be able to run faster than she can, with that dress hindering her freedom of movement !

  3. Our Warlock should have quite the array of spells, so Im sure she can cook up a Hold Person since she had it in the character sheet

    1. As a ex-warlock, I say she don’t.
      Warlocks have very few spells from a list (unless you get the grimoire pact, but she got the chain pact) and even fewer spells slots, I guess two, as she must be at least 3rd level and lower than 11th (Because D&D is make so you just get you “uniqueness” on level 3 on most classes, or a small buff).
      But she may have Hold Person.

  4. Witch of many jobs

    Oh this is going to be so fun to explain after they chase her into the main ballroom.

  5. That’s definitely helping, Tara.

  6. I mean, that’d stop me from running.

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