A Memorable Party #9

14 thoughts on “A Memorable Party #9

  1. hmmm, subtly is not their strong point

  2. I wheezed right when I saw the third panel

    1. Been there, done that, got the T-Shirt, cap, mug globe, scars and character sheets to prove it.

  3. Michael Steamweed

    Poor Sarah. She got the only d20 success roll. Everyone else…not so much.

    1. I don’t know, I think Beverley and Colin passed general Disguise checks to not look out of place, at least.

      1. Michael Steamweed

        Yeah, I think they did not fumble their rolls. But they didn’t get full successes on getting information.

  4. “We gottaa get out of here without drawing too much attention! *deepass inhale* HEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUU GUUYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

  5. This seems like so many D&D games I’ve played.

  6. This is exactly the average DnD experience.

    1. You definitely aren’t wrong there. I just started a PF2 Kingmaker campaign, and first session we’ve got an elven ranger infatuated with a cleric of a death god, a noble that thinks he’s above everyone else, some weirdo cat, a minotaur wild gremlin child, and a guy who never takes off his armor. Wonder if you could guess which I am xD

  7. Witch of many jobs

    *actually facepalms*
    WHy would you not go out the back door with her?!

  8. My only question is, how is it that *Tara* isn’t the bard?

    1. Because warlocks are WAY more the “bad choices got me here” class.

  9. I’m guessing they rolled a 1 on that one…
    …Then again Tara IS sometimes that stupid. XP

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