
19 thoughts on “Assphyxiation

  1. Tara: “I lived my life without regret!”

  2. Sit on my face and tell me that you love me
    I’ll sit on your face and tell you I love you, too
    I love to hear you oralize
    When I’m between your thighs
    You blow me away
    Sit on my face and let my lips embrace you
    I’ll sit on your face and then I’ll love you truly
    Life can be fine if we both sixty-nine
    If we sit on our faces in all sorts of places
    And play, ’til we’re blown away

    1. absolute poet

      1. Monty Python was indeed full of geniuses

  3. Worth it

  4. Will this be a Noodle Incident and we’re left to wonder what the requested act was?

    1. My guess is standing cunnilingus with Bev on her Tara’s shoulders.

    2. I think its pretty clear from the title and Bev’s worried that Tara, wanted her face to be sat on

    3. It’s really not that hard to guess

    4. …and tell me that you love me… — Monty Python

    5. Face-sitting.

    6. Nah, pretty obvious. Bev sat on her face 😛

    7. Tara wanted beverly to sit on her face, which is why she broke her neck.

    8. Given the title of the comic I think we can take a guess

    9. Lord selfdeprication

      She asked Bev to sit on her face, if the title wasn’t enough.
      Asphyxiation – Lack of oxygen

    10. Given the title, I am guessing face sitting.

    11. Facesitting. Not advised when you’re 5 foot and 100 pounds, and she’s 6 foot and 180.

  5. Tara’s face on the last panel has got to be the brightest, clearest “Worth it” face I have ever seen in my life.

  6. Live the dream Tara…

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