Broke Backpacking #11

14 thoughts on “Broke Backpacking #11

  1. there’s nothing shameful about trying to be like your role model, even if he is eleven years dead. Bev is a real sweetheart, but I’m sure she’ll have a more healthy outlook on this once she stops doing things out of grief for her dad, and starts trying to do things in honor of him. She doesn’t even have to do different things, but it’s that difference in outlook i think that will help her move ahead with her life.

  2. If u all excuse me, i’m gonna grab some tissue


  4. so sweet! I love this

  5. It’s sad that all it takes to fix a problem or issue in your life is to address it directly instead of avoiding it, but a lot of people (me included) can’t. Mainly because of some sort of mental barrier we place around said issue in an attempt to not let it affect us.

  6. It’s sad that all it takes to fix a problem or issue in your life is to address it directly instead of avoiding it, but a lot of people (me included) can’t. Mainly because of some sort of mental barrier we place around said issue in an attempt to not let it affect us.

  7. I’m not crying; you’re crying…

  8. Huh. Almost like her dad knew what she needed. Talking to your partner is the most important part of a relationship.

    Bottling it up. Putting on a brave face. You cant recieve support if you try so hard to hide what is wrong.

    Talk to your partner. And your dog. And your family, found or natural.

  9. Witch of many jobs

    Looking ahead and seeing life stretch out in front of you can be scary but also really liberating. There is still soooo much to come and to look forward to. There will be so much more Tara goofiness in her future.

  10. Talking it out is better than bottling it up.

  11. I can relate to how Bev feels. My dad passed away a couple of years ago from cancer, and I still can’t get used to the idea that he’s gone. That thought that he’s going to be dead for the rest of my life comes to me too, sometimes, but I do my best to stay positive and to keep my sense of humor because I know he wouldn’t want me to change just because he’s gone. Losing a parent is really hard, and I really feel for Bev here.

  12. Tara! Don’t just sit there, hug the ever-living crap out of your wife!

  13. Hooray for communication!

  14. So happy to see this resolve with communication. Drives me nuts when everything could’ve been avoided or made better by saying something.

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