Broke Backpacking #12

32 thoughts on “Broke Backpacking #12

  1. I’m not crying you’re crying

    1. We’re all crying

      1. Can confirm

        1. Whoever’s cutting onions can fuck off!

  2. Just wanna say I really appreciate the more emotional arcs like these. Makes them characters I can feel an attachment to.

  3. Best wife. Goodest wife.

  4. Michael Steamweed

    Ah dang, that panel 3.

  5. Well I shouldn’t have read that right before work.

  6. Pardon me while I just die😭 Reading this after the area I just went through on the mmo I play…oof🥲

  7. That’s what you call communicating as a couple.❤️

  8. That’s an unequivocal “I love you.”

  9. Witch of many jobs

    No relationship is always sunshine and rainbows but it is important to also share the bad moments with each other.

  10. this was a very beautiful page, thank you for sharing it with us :’)

  11. See? Beautiful moments like these are what happen when you talk to your wife

  12. Even if the ending is sad, it is also a beautiful ending. I’m glad how it went on and not the Tara-wants-a-night-in-a-cabin-and-this-ruins-the-trip.
    Beverly never gave me the impression that she would get depressed over such a small thing, she’s not that fragile and self-centered.

  13. It’s bits like this that make this comic stand out, IMO. Thank you for showing how partners should treat each other, and that, even in an exceptionally good relationship, communication can be HARD.

  14. I’m going to fucking cryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy omgggggggggggg

  15. Saw this pop up on my feed on twitter, and now I’ve read the entire thing. (Could not put it down lol)

    Amazing comic, definitely adding it to my roster. <3

  16. Who the fuck is chopping onions?

    1. Sorry my bad

  17. Beautiful moment. But I had to chuckle at that last panel, where Bev is bent over to hug Tara and Tara *still* has to stand on her toes.

  18. Make them do a sex

    1. Really, what happened to the moderation!

  19. Terrible evening for rain….

  20. Man this rings too close to home for me, when my brother died I was a wreck. Threw away a lot and nearly walked away from my wife and my life with everyone in it.

  21. I hope someday I can have what they have.

  22. This is part of the deal – lean on me when you’re tired, cry to me when you’re sad, yell at me when you’re mad – I vowed to be by your side “forsaking all others”. I’m here for you, for whatever you need – even if it’s just someone to pass you tissues. I will share your burdens, and by so doing, make them lighter.

  23. Bruh panel three got me crying… but looking panel four got me laughing bruh… it looks Tara is about to be picked up by beverly XD. Cute and Sad how am i supposed to take this seriously after looking at Tara being cute…

  24. What a horrible day for rain…

  25. Scrolling down and seeing Bev’s face twisted with grief kinda hurt ngl

  26. That really hits in the feels

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