Christmas Apart #12

22 thoughts on “Christmas Apart #12

  1. Interesting – Nadia appears to have changed her dress for the meal, if I’m not mistaken.
    Also, I hope everyone has had a good Christmas.

    1. She also seems to have changed her attitude. Bev’s comments got through, and it looks like Nadia’s an OK person, after all – that she was taking out her upset on undeserving people was a bad look, but that she can put it away once that was pointed out to her speaks much better of her.

      1. She looks rather sad and depressed in that second panel. Whatever she’s working through is still getting to her.

  2. Michael Steamweed

    Aw, such nice family scenes. So much more formal than mine have ever been. We’ve always had a mix of jammies, jeans, and robes.

  3. Ah. Steven knows who to sit next to. When my late dad visited, we’d refer to his place as the “Oops!” chair. The dogs were very attentive.

  4. I love that Beverly and Tara spending time with their family….but I need more shenanigans.

  5. Wow that food really stands out lol…

  6. That awkward discomfort knowing the smut they liked was written by a family member didn’t last long.
    Also, Merry Christmas

    1. It’s amazing how quickly confusion can shift to curiosity when you find out that you actually have access to a Subject Matter Expert. In this case, that SME is trapped with them for the holiday.

      1. Tara’s main challenge will be to keep them from blabbing online whatever secrets she told them.

  7. Yavuzhan Akdoğan

    I love how Nadia got changed after Beverly’s speech.
    Anyway, merry Christmas/Hannukah to everyone, and to all a good Yule.

  8. Witch of many Jobs

    Merry Christmas Nort and Comment Section!
    Also funny that Beverly´s family seems to be the one with the smaller roast. Bev probably can eat half that thing alone after a workout day.

  9. Really like the details in the two panels without dialogue. Siobhan and Tara having the exact same expression in response to sneaking Steven food and Nadia apparently opting to sit next to Beverly instead of her parents are neat details.

  10. There is nothing, and I mean -nothing-, quite like the glow you can get when people start asking you questions about your work. At every family gathering I would open up to my brothers with “What’s new at your job” and watch them light up when they told me. And when people ask me about my books, I feel the same way. It’s wonderful!

  11. Both Beverly and Tara instead of going insular and longing for reunion, decided to forcibly spread love to the ones they were with.
    Tara using Beverly’s empathy to see why her mum was so prickly, and Beverly using Tara’s tell-it-like-it-is-even-if-you-don’t-want-to-hear-it goblin energy to talk up her cousin.

    They’re so lovely.

  12. Poor Penny. Surrounded by all those amamzons.

  13. For “characters” you pretty much just could have put “everyone”.

    1. There are 18 characters showing up here! Full houses indeed!

  14. Either Nort has changed his art style to photo realism, or he’s Photoshopping the food into the scenes. I don’t care but it does put the dining tables in the Uncanny Valley for me.

    1. it’s just that the food has no black outlines, it’s all just color blobs. You can see it with the glasses Bev and her Aunt are holding. Theirs have black outlines, but the one for her grandma sitting on the table doesn’t, otherwise it’s pretty much the same as the aunt’s. Less time and detail dedicated to what is not the focus of the scene. Because of the framing it’s not literally the background, but it’s treated like a background.

  15. If Bev throws her nephew up in the air, will he need a parachute for the descent?

  16. Tara’s expression is the epitome of “I can’t believe I ate the whole thing” meme from the Alka Seltzer commercial.

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