Christmas Apart #13

26 thoughts on “Christmas Apart #13

  1. Michael Steamweed

    “And I had to be all mature and responsible and I hated it!”
    “Shhh, it’s okay, you’re here now.”

    1. Hahahaha! Perfectly accurate, and perfectly hilarious!

  2. the “GLOMP” is a perfect onomatopoeia for how Tara would jump on Bev after not seeing her for a few days 😀

  3. That “glomp” sounds familiar; if not exactly the same.

    1. JustSomeGirlOrOther

      That’s my fave.

    2. “GLOMP” Grab Latch On Maintain Pressure.

  4. A deep impact glomp. I haven’t seen something like that in a long time. At anime convention.

    Ah how the times change

    1. It’s a good thing that Bev is so strong, otherwise she’d definitely have fallen over from that

    2. a reader among thousands

      I really like that, due to the direction she’s coming from, we should have seen Tara in the background of the first panel. But no, she’s not there, what make the speed of her arrival even faster than it looks.

    3. I remember the nerdisphere was all a buzz when some con (i can remember which one) banded GLOMPing do to safety concerns.

  5. Glomp is the new glomf! ❤️🥺

  6. I hope I can someday have what they have. I legit teared up at the 3rd panel, too.

  7. Witch of many Jobs

    I didn´t know goblins could fly. Tara really missed her.

  8. An epic glomp. I’m not surprised.
    Also, there’s something cinematic about that first panel.

  9. The little tears in her eyes! 😭 They’re so cute, I love them so much.

  10. Steven missed Bev, too. Don’t be fooled by his laying on the opposite side of the couch.

  11. 100% relatable

  12. They are way too adorable omg

  13. Made me so f-ing happy-sad😭. Literally cried.

  14. Annnnd I’m crying. 😭😭

  15. Love how Tara launched herself so hard into that hug that it pushed Bev back. Like, Beverly is large and full of muscles, moving her wouldn’t be easy

    1. I mean… I don’t care how burly you are, 100+ pounds of human being slamming into you at a run is gonna jostle you.

      1. Indeed. Especially as she caught Beverly off-guard – Bev wouldn’t have been able to brace herself.

  16. I thought Beverly’s outfit looked familiar. It’s the same clothes she was wearing when she and Tara had their first date.

  17. How does she keep that coat clean?

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