Christmas Apart #4

25 thoughts on “Christmas Apart #4

  1. Damn, Bev could probably make a MLB roster with a swing like that!

  2. Dan, don’t question Beverly while she has an axe in hand – either in the D&D game, or in “real life”…

    1. He’ll have to axe her again later. (Pun intended.)

  3. Michael Steamweed

    Those are some powerful genes, yes.

  4. Why do I have the feeling that Tara’s going to suffer some kind of injury when she and Bev make up for lost time?

    1. I mean, she already ended up in a neck brace, and that was when they DIDN’T spend time apart before that

    2. “The Return of The Neckbrace. “XD

    3. DontTreadOnBigfoot

      Her head will just be a vertical line.
      And it will all be WORTH IT.

    4. Michael Steamweed

      Just like the last panel in this:

  5. I hope we’re going to see the rest of these wider families, at least in part.

    1. It’s a family Christmas, so i assume we can expect at least cameos.

  6. Holee…

  7. Nearly three hundred comics in, and panel 3 is the sexiest thing Bev has ever done.

  8. Damn, I know Beverly is tense but still, that is still a good show of just how strong she is

  9. Witch of many Jobs

    Ah, the Kratos approach to dealing with emotional distress.

  10. Panel three is the hottest thing Nortuet has ever drawn. Gawt dang.

  11. 20 bucks says she ties it shibari style

  12. Well….. damn

  13. What! No, noooo! How did I read everything from begining to (this current) end since yesterday!? HOW?

  14. Is it just me, or does it seem like Beverly is gonna go full Jack Torrence…

  15. Hhhnngghh my one weakness, muscle mommies chopping wood 🫠🫠🤤🤤

  16. Bev just put competitive lumberjacking to shame.

  17. Now I want to see Beverly team up with Nicole Maple Coenen!

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