Christmas Magic #2

22 thoughts on “Christmas Magic #2

  1. She’s right

  2. Michael Steamweed

    The _Book_ title of Bev’s book! 😀

  3. I mean, she’s not wrong. A rice cooker is a great gift.

  4. She’s reading “A Book”. Possibly with words in it.

    1. Soon she’ll be getting ideas…thinking…

      1. Which is good, because Christmas is getting ever closer, and she still doesn’t know what she’s gonna get Tara yet..

    2. Technically, she’s reading “BOOK”, which based on the relatively empty back cover, is the first printing of a freshman author (smallish pic beside first paragraph; all three are equidistant across the top half indicating they’re all read as a unified passage, detailing the story in summary to ‘hook’ the prospective reader, rather than a one-paragraph synopsis and a couple of positive blurbs. The empty bottom half (apart from publication info along the bottom) indicates a lack of reviews; author is not yet prominent enough to get advance reviews from critics and fellow authors, and even a novice novelist (sorry) would be churned through the content machine of the Times and the like fairly soon…AFTER its release, so it’s not a later reprint.
      No I’m not much fun at murder mystery parties.

  5. It’s not a bad point – rice cookers are awesome.

  6. Not gonna lie.
    I’d love a rice cooker

  7. Showed this to my SO and they just went “IT *IS* LIFE-CHANGING”

  8. Red Dot would suggest a Womanizer Duo.


  10. Beverly and Tara are such a perfect couple. Every time they interact, I can see how much they love each other and how well they work together.

  11. I’m with Dee on this. Rice cookers are amazing.

  12. Witch of many Jobs

    You know it is a gym office by the giant jar of whey on the table.

  13. I literally got my mom a rice cooker for christmas and she won’t shut up about it, she loves it so much. It has been 12 years. Help

  14. Yep, just binged the entire catalogue this arvo. Will be following this for sure!

  15. oh my god yes a rice cooker. also changed my life.

  16. Jaded Cynic, you actually do sound fun at murder mystery parties in my opinion. I can just picture you holding back immense laughter, as the other guests get everything absolutely wrong, and left wondering myself what I failed to see.

  17. Tara is looking so smug in that first panel. She must have found a really good idea.
    Or she is just very proud to be married to Bev, which is understandable.

  18. I just noticed the cover 😆

  19. I mean, Dee’s not wrong: a good rice cooker is REALLY nice to have…

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