Christmas Magic #3

10 thoughts on “Christmas Magic #3

  1. i love these transitions from conversation to after-sex. hilarious everytime. especially since its usually Bev ravaging tara in these cases.

  2. This is the first time we actually see Tara’s “smutty-fic-author” side come in handy, to my knowledge! Damn.

  3. Witch of many Jobs

    Nothing better to clear the head

  4. MetalGearSkeletor

    I’m kinda curious how Nort chooses which words to emphasize/bolden? Is it words you’re meant to stress while reading or words that carry double meaning?

  5. >full disclosure, I haven’t started dinner yet

    C’mon Beverly, that would have been a great segue into discussing presents. Who were you trying to distract with that bedroom side trip :}

  6. Gregina Bogosians

    What are these “actual reasons” that Tara speaks of?

  7. I stumbled across this comic on Twitter, have binged the entire thing over the last week. I’m loving everything so far.

  8. Tara and Beverly’s relarionship is so beautiful! This is yet another example everyone should follow in their own lives. The communication between them is just so admirable.

  9. Offhand thought right before bed, but…

    Why do I get the feeling that one-and-done joke strap-on is going to be integral to this mini arc?

  10. What are these “actual reasons besides degeneracy” that Tara speaks of?

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