Christmas Magic #5

18 thoughts on “Christmas Magic #5

  1. Witch of many Jobs

    I am sure they will come up with something. Two heads are better than one, even ditzy ones.

  2. the spiral continues

  3. Okay, that last panel made me laugh way too hard
    Love your work nort!

  4. Michael Steamweed

    Tara, come on, you’re supposed to be the chaotic one. Help your wife get out of this cycle.

  5. Suggestions for gift, spa day, ticket to concert or sporting event. Something that is just for her.

  6. Also, I know you like using generic names for stuff, but don’t get her tickets to The Band. That name’s already taken.

  7. unrelated dad comment: You could save on your heating bill if you wore slippers and A DANG SWEATER when it is snowing outside :}

  8. Now instead of just Bev up all night trying to think of what to give, they both are awake all night thinking.

  9. The eternal struggle

  10. And so the wheel turns.

  11. and, back to square one. sigh

  12. Ahhhh. Christmas Anxiety part two; the Anxieting

  13. Right back where Beverly started, except now Tara’s been dragged into it as well.

  14. Reset to zero. Rerun program with new parameters.

  15. oh no…..

  16. ….figures.

  17. How about a rice cooker? Those can change lives

  18. Hook, line, and sinker. Damn what a great punchline. lmao

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