Christmas Magic #8

23 thoughts on “Christmas Magic #8

  1. Dad reveal!!

  2. Lots of love here for Love, Actually fans. 🙂

  3. Aww

  4. How, just how, does Dee’s husband look oh so, so…so…Dad?

  5. Darn it, I wanted to see them do their
    Christmas friend dance.

  6. Do I sense a threesome?

  7. Are they still wearing their kinky outfits under there? or are they completely naked?

    1. Aren’t we all naked under our clothes?

    2. …I think they’re fully dressed, my dude. Call it a hunch.

    3. The second panel shows they are at least wearing pants

    4. If you think about it, everyone is completely naked under their clothes.

    5. They do have pants on so….

      1. That’s not enough proof

      2. Everyone’s naked under their clothes

      3. I’m always naked under my clothes.

    6. Most people are naked under their clothes.

  8. Witch of many Jobs

    My other two, red headed and immenseky bzff, children.

  9. Ah, we finally get to see Dee’s husband and son! Although considering the only extra name is ‘Russ’, I’m guessing one of them doesn’t have a decided name yet.

  10. Dyamonde, you’re a disgusting degenerate.

  11. Aww, plans ruined!

  12. was not expecting a love actually reference here lol

  13. Diamonds….everyone is naked under their clothes

  14. Did Dee and her husband first appear in a much earlier strip?

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