Couples Vacation #8

27 thoughts on “Couples Vacation #8

  1. Rock-blocked!

  2. Damnit, Dan! .. Dannit?

  3. Dan, you cockblocker! Or pussyblocker? In this case?

    1. I think the correct term is ‘clam-jammer’.

  4. And I’m caught up! Loving this comic!

  5. Ya snooze ya loose Bev

  6. I knew this would be a fakeout grr

  7. You are killing me!!!
    Though I am happy for Dan and Penny! <3

  8. *Deep inhale* This is fine


  10. Gotta love timing

  11. Beverly’s inner train of thought “That son of a… wait. Why didn’t I think he’d do this?”
    Loving this arc, looking forward to more pages :3

  12. Aaaaaaagh!
    So Close.

  13. I love how Tara’s freckles become more prominent. Many artists wouldn’t bother.


  15. Damn she got Cock blocked by her own brother lol

  16. When the brother upstages you.

  17. are they twins (fraternal, obviously) – that MIGHT explain the hivemind…

  18. You’re edging me. I hate it, but I respect it.

  19. Bummer about the foiled plans. xD Oh, and as a fellow artist, those small details like the freckles are a really nice touch!

  20. Seriously though, Dan should have clued Bev in! They could have done a joint proposal!

  21. I expected it to go wrong and was hoping it wouldn’t be too bad! This is fine and I’m loving both their reactions in the third panel.
    Beverly is taking it well and seems to have a backup. All in character, you really get to ‘know’ them, good writing!

  22. NOOOOOOO!!!!. I mean, I’m happy for them but NOOOOOOOO!!!!!

  23. Curse you Dan!!!!!

    But also congrats and wish you both the best!!!!

  24. Quantum couple strikes again!

  25. Has Tara always had freckles?

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