Family Gathering #12

15 thoughts on “Family Gathering #12

  1. Best couple

  2. I think they’re officially trolling each other.

  3. Impossible to tell if they’re actually dating, or just pulling the long con

  4. Well, that answers that, I guess!

  5. This still doesn’t answer if they’re together or not! Are they roommates who are just overly comfortable with each other or “roommates” who are appropriately comfortable with each other?

  6. Ahhhh, the aromantic+asexual relationship. All the benefits of a partner with 80% less drama!

  7. And the mystery of whether or not these two are really in a relationship continues.

  8. So are noah and sarah dating? will they sleep in seperate beds and have one for sex?

  9. They say crazy attracts crazy. Exhibit A:

  10. If they’re not dating they’re doing a really good impression of dating.

  11. I love how this relationship is evolving.

  12. Is Noah ace? Kind of getting a vibe here.

  13. So just based on this, I’m beginning to think that they’re both ace.

  14. *cue the later shot of Steven barfing up the top while Tara looks confused and Beverly knows exactly where it came from*

  15. So they ARE dating?

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