Family Gathering #14

7 thoughts on “Family Gathering #14

  1. Witch of many Jobs

    Ok, the question is now how smug Beverly can possibly become over the knowledge that she is the big sister.

  2. I’m very glad btw that you’re posting these here, I had left Twitter a while ago because of That Ruinous Bastard, and now I can finally be caught up and everything. So thank you!

  3. “… Your Father and I decided…” WAIT A MINUTE!!! Isn’t this Bev’s Dad talking?

  4. Steven sleeping off that Forever 21 poly-neoprene blend top.
    Awwww, character moments! Midriff tops are for emotions!
    What are the over/unders on Bev and Dan being IFV/Surrogates vs From Big Dad’s Previous Relationship?

  5. Took me a minute to realize Steven was changing at all between frames XD

  6. For twins this is actually a total gamechanger most of the time.

  7. You can FEEL how quickly she’s gonna rub this in her brothers face.

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