Getting a Dog #1

19 thoughts on “Getting a Dog #1

  1. The stupid looking one!

  2. Getting a stupid-looking dog is a big responsibility.

  3. a-derp-able, naturally

  4. It was instant love

  5. I also choose the stupid looking one!

  6. I LOVE that dog. Reminds me of my border collie/spitz cross, who sits in a funny way because he dum. Not sure if the comments will let me post a link to a photo?
    Also, there’s something about the phrasing “Second hand dogs” that tickles me.

  7. Second hand dogs, really ? XD

  8. Dog, dog, dog, “dog”, dog, dog.

  9. the scrotum consumer

    I will consume the rabbit scrotum

  10. when you know your other half :p

  11. If I were Beverly, then I would be worried that Tara thinks that I look stupid, and that that is why she likes me.

  12. Nort drew 5 realistic dogs and said never again

  13. That goober looks like it came straight out of the funnies and I like it.

  14. And this the legend was born

  15. LOL!
    Again exceptional character delivery in combination with mixing drawing styles! The second the third panel rolled into view I bursted out in laughing exactly knowing which dog would be picked. So fitting. 🙂

  16. “We’re getting the dog that’s easy to draw.”



  17. TransbiansAreCool

    Tara is giving off the energy of SAO-Abridged-Asuna’s “We would like to buy ONE CHILD PLEASE!”

  18. Being the stupid-looking one is obviously a plus – for dogs.

  19. Ah, the easy to draw one. Excellent choice.

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