Getting a Dog #2

25 thoughts on “Getting a Dog #2

  1. This is so cute!

  2. Dogs with human names = best dogs

  3. The Stupid Whisperer.

  4. Just found your stuff! Wonderful! Thank you!

  5. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaasssss

  6. Now that Steven has a name, he needs to be in the tags.

  7. Borf *Thump Thump*

  8. Make steven a character with a tag and everything

  9. Good boy Steven even walks like a complete derp without care. Live your best life buddy.

  10. Judging by the tone of the previous strips (that I binged in less than 2 days!), I expect that in one of the next strips a thief try to enter their house, only for Steven to open a Stranger-Things-Demogorgon-style mouth…

  11. Steve will fit right in.

  12. This dog is incredible. I hope Steven gets added to the characters page, even if with just a joke entry.

  13. I love Steven

  14. “YO STEVEN!!” Got me rolling around, cracking up!

  15. The look of genuine fear on her face has me dying!

  16. She’s connected to that dog on a spiritual level.

  17. That’s a sweet name

  18. She certainly knows her woman

  19. “Borf.”

  20. I love Steven already


  22. Steven was just waiting for the right person to show up.

  23. “You named your dog ‘Borf’? Sounds swedish.”

  24. When the right person comes along, even the most reluctant pet knows it.

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