Getting a Dog #4

7 thoughts on “Getting a Dog #4

  1. Wait a moment. Tara doesn’t sleep in panties! no, no, this doesn’t add-up at all!
    You can’t fool us, Nort. This is obviously a simulation, like that time on TNG when Romulans tried to fool Riker with a fake future Enterprise.

  2. Clearly he is cooking breakfast

  3. I gotta say, I love your work and the characters you make. It’s sexy, sweet, funny and adorable. Tara and my pillow talk skills are about comparable, so I find that aspect of her character particularly easy to relate to, lol.

  4. Either Beverly and Tara hallucinated getting a dog. Or, they got a dog, lost him, then gaslighted themselves into thinking that he never existed. Either way, interesting.

  5. Schrödinger’s Steve. They need to collapse the waveform before they know.

  6. Every time I read this comic all I cam imagine is Tara very seriously explaining to Steven that this is his bed and he should sleep here. And Steven just looking at her and going BORF

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