Getting a Dog #6

16 thoughts on “Getting a Dog #6

  1. “Agnes?” Are we doing Bewitched?

  2. Steven is like a jeep, and I don’t mean the car.

  3. What da dog doing?

  4. Such a cute couple! ♥

  5. Ah daily life with a tindalos hound !

  6. This is what we in the business call “foreshadowing”.

  7. In my experience the name Steven is a much more common name than Agnes.

    1. Agnes is actually not that uncommon. By Norwegian standards, of course…

    2. My name is Steven and my ex gf is Tara, so this comic is getting weird for me! xD

  8. Cant wait to see what Agnes looks like

  9. Agnes is a great name for a cat!

  10. It would’ve been the funniest fucking thing if a cat appeared when she said that.

  11. Oh, harsh. My mum’s name is Agnes. Although, come to think of it she has always gone by Netta.

  12. Holy shit, one of my cat’s names is Agnes.

  13. Don’t jinx it; you’ll end up summoning a kitty!

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