Going Shopping

41 thoughts on “Going Shopping

  1. XD That’s a good one. Now I want to see the look of her face.

  2. I really hope they somehow see her again.

  3. “Not like we gonna see her again”
    Fool ! You underestimate the power of the unescapable maze. You visit won’t be the last. You will return to them…soon. And purchase more of their comodities. This is the true unescapable nature of the store.

  4. Inescapable Maze for Ikea… that’s fuckin great.

  5. Bev, you ain’t right.

  6. For a moment I thought Steven was sneaking into their bed. Took me a moment for the actual joke to click.

  7. The next comic is nothing but panels of them running into her everywhere they go.

  8. Heh. “Inescapable Maze.” And apparently they have a “Chekout” counter…

  9. Bro is outa pocket with that

  10. Maybe *that’s* why they’re always slightly shiny…!

  11. Michael Steamweed

    I love the “fluid dynamics” of these two! 😀

  12. I really like my Liberator Fascinator Throws. Completely waterproof, soft and comfy, machine washable…

  13. I’m assuming they’re talking about squirting, but in my headcanon one of them has a watersports fetish they’re tired of waiting for. XD

  14. LOVE the “Inescapeable Maze” bag.

  15. …I half expected “Characters:” to have *three* names, including a new recurring one because “it’s not like we’re gonna see her again” 😀

    1. Next Comic is gonna be about the Cashier starting out at Swole Gym…

  16. Well, now we have to see a demonstration of its effectiveness.

  17. I want this new girl to be a new character so she shows up again and messes with them.


  19. Ryubbert_Narraetsor

    the ‘inescapable maze’ logo is a nice touch

  20. Witch of many Jobs

    Freaking out cashiers got to be a hobby some people have.

  21. Gotta love “Inescapable Maze”

  22. Is one of them a squirter?

  23. How the turns table.

  24. The question remains: *who* did she say was the fire hydrant?

  25. Pretty sure we will see her again…

    also i like the nudge at some store where you assemble your own furniture.

  26. How often does this update?

  27. “inescapable Maze” was a nice touch.

  28. I just noticed the shop name :p

  29. It’s been awhile since I’ve been to “Inescapable Maze”. Love it!

  30. This harkens back to roommates 5

  31. just came across this comic today and binged thru it from the start, good stuff :3

  32. Inescapable maze! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAh- *WHEEZE*

  33. I love that the store is called inescapable maze cause that’s exactly what IKEA is.

  34. Inescapable Maze had me wheezing

  35. I see they’re shopping at IKEA. Sorry, “Inescapable Maze”. My mistake.

  36. I love the name of the store.

  37. Wait wh-OOOOOOOH

  38. I like the ‘Inescapable Maze’ in the reverse colored Ikea logo.

  39. Needed a nice Pseudo-Swedish name for the pad like BÄVERDAMMEN.

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