Hallomoon Special #10

11 thoughts on “Hallomoon Special #10

  1. Witch of many Jobs

    By the time they get back Steven has probably already led a worker uprising for better wages.

  2. “I don’t care who you are that there’s funny” Larry the Cable Guy. Exposed boobs when not intended to be sexy are funny.

  3. Hi, Love your Comic πŸ™‚

    Ever since I started reading it though, my quora feed has been full of this person (https://www.quora.com/profile/Tara-3177) posting your comic with a link in the comments that is def not this site. Thought you may want to report them (I already did).

    Keep up the amazing work πŸ™‚

  4. Is that two halves of a ring?
    No. It’s a C and D.
    What’s the CD for?
    Cee Deez nips.
    Got ’em.

  5. I like how their pendants are 1 parts of a circle.

  6. gdi tara xD

  7. This comic is delightful and hilarious. I am filled with mirth at all the whimsy in this storyline.

  8. πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ I love Tara. She’s one of a kind

  9. I love how Bevara, the manifestation of Bev and Tara’s whole, didn’t think that Tara would “just whip them out.” You would think that the spiritual manifestation of a combined couple would be able to predict the actions of both members. Lol

    1. Tara is the incarnation of Chaos itself. Bevara is only 50% Chaos; therefore, Bevara never stood a chance of predicting Tara.

      No one does, really. πŸ˜‰

  10. Panel 1 is giving Rose Quartz and I love it!

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